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Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery is usually performed under local anaesthesia with or without sedation. The aims of eyelid surgery are:


1. To correct eyelid malpositions that can occur from ageing or disease processes. Eg. ectropion (eyelid turning out), entropion (eyelid turning in).


2. To improve hooded, droopy or baggy eyelids. Eg. ptosis, brow ptosis, dermatochalasis ("baggy eyes").


3. To remove eyelid cysts, scars and tumours. Eg. chalazion / styes, papillomas, tarsal cysts, BCC (basal cell carcinoma), SCC (squamous cell carcinoma), SGC (sebaceous gland carcinoma).


4. To reconstruct eyelid defects following eyelid trauma or tumour removal.


General steps in eyelid surgery are:


  • Local anaesthetic injection.

  • Making a skin incision along the crease or natural fold of the eyelid.

  • Removing excess skin, fat or muscle.

  • Placing internal sutures to support eyelid muscles or tendons.

  • Closing up the skin incision. The scar is generally hidden in the natural eyelid fold.

  • Removing skin sutures 1 week later.


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